ㅤdo not :ㅤ use my irl name on posts

ㅤdo :ㅤ ask for my discord if you want to talk! i`m most active there

youtube documentaries ✦ indie horror games ✦ space ✦ sea ✦ mushrooms ✦
twitter: DespondentMist
instagram: des.pondentmist
tumblr: despondentmist
twitch: DespondentMist
spiders ✧ hot weather/ crowds ✧ strategy games ✧
  • ㅤnameㅤㅤh.

  • ㅤaliasㅤㅤmost people shorten my username to just des.

  • ㅤageㅤㅤ18

  • ㅤpronounsㅤㅤthey/them.

  • ㅤtimezoneㅤㅤgmt/bst.

ㅤabout meㅤㅤuk casual gamer and cosplayer! i do art but i probably wont ever post it anywhere
working up the courage to not be too shy to interact in spaces by being silly as hell

twst en id: rLV56HAD
dm me for my switch code

ㅤreading:ㅤㅤ garth nix`s abhorsen series.
ㅤwatching:ㅤㅤblind box series openings.
ㅤplaying:ㅤㅤ splatoon 3, pokemon .
ㅤlistening:ㅤㅤ game osts, ghibli music, vocaloid.
ㅤhobbies:ㅤㅤ pokemon cards, pin collecting, flower stuff (pressing, language etc).

other blogs / accts

fave anime / movies / media
howls moving castle ☆ seec`s prison boys ☆ hypnosis mic ☆ milgram ☆ good omens
fave books / manga / games
splatoontwisted wonderland ☆ legend of zelda ☆ pokemon ☆ witchs heart ☆ ib ☆ ace attorney ☆ your turn to die ☆ persona 5 ☆ pathologic ☆
fave music / bands
mili ☆ lamp ☆ cosmo sheldrake ☆ lemon demon ☆ kikuo ☆ onomatopel